Embode Healing Arts

Greetings Radiant Ones
I am the Global Goddess
I am here to awaken your Divine Nature
As you step into the flow of Divinity
You will shift on a cellular level
Your eternal light will be sparked
You will glow and personify a deep love
for yourself, all sentient beings and our planet
Today and everyday let us affirm together ….
I Embode Beauty
I Embode Healing
I Embode Radiance
and so it is!

Embode, the fountain of beauty which promotes spirit healing;

Delivers value through mission-driven fashion

And natural self healing products.

Healing Art Of All Design

  • Activated Art Installations

    Creating sacred space guides me to create sacred objects. Each installation is created with careful consideration of elements.

    Art Experience
  • Wearing Art

    To heal with the highest level of love energy we want to work everyday at changing negative behaviors. Embode’s has found a way for you to be healing in all settings with wearable art products.

  • Art Experience

    Khrys Kelly creates peaces of work which are the heart of the art experience in Embode Healing. Portals was an art experience which honored the divine feminine.

Portals: The Process